Story of my life (so far)

I grew up in Madurai, South India with my nose buried in books (and later, ebooks). Occasionally, I looked up to ask the adults around me, “why?”.

In order to make a living out of asking “why?”, I went into academia - where I expected to while away my years indulging a bottomless curiosity about everything.

One Ph.D., a postdoc, some publications, much teaching, and a tenured faculty position later, I realised the reality of academia was a bit different.

So I quit and have since been doing a bunch of fun things:

  • I work for The Browser, the world’s finest curation newsletter. Every day, I read thousands of articles, select and summarise the best of them. Our readers are delightful and delighted. You should join them. Sign up here:

    Email me at for a sample and you’ll see why subscribing to The Browser will be the best gift you can give yourself (or someone else) this year.

  • I help companies, small and large, tell their stories better.

  • I edit, and teach writing to all sorts of interesting people.

  • I research, write, and talk about craft.

  • I make mead and fresh cheeses (Mozzarella, Bulgarian Feta, Halloumi) with my partner.

    Our mead batches have received some praise (“you should sell this!”). Always experimenting with new flavours and spice pairings.

I’d love to hear from you! You can mail me at or find me at: